Friday, September 3, 2010

School Starts...

After a quiet July that ended with a clean scan, I stepped into an August that was full of travel and activities... Monika and I spent a weekend in NYC for a friends thesis exhibit, then another weekend near the finger lakes for a photographers' gathering, before heading to NC for a week of friends and image making, then back home for a short camping trip before driving Lucas down to Goucher College... plus a couple of lovely weddings tossed in for good measure... I did more in the past month than I did collectively in the past year and a half...

Now school has started and the exciting routine of teenage chaos mixed with creativity has begun... It feels good to be back at my trade... All the events of the past year and a half have created a lot of grist to expand and inform my teaching.

Next week I'll see my naturapathic doctor to discuss results from recent blood tests and adjust my treatments accordingly. I'm still taking a daily bucketful of supplements so I'm hoping that the blood results show a continued payoff in my healing.

It turns out I have a hernia! For months I thought it was just some residual discomfort from the operation, but it turns out to be a hernia in my groin. October 1st I'll have outpatient surgery to repair it. They tell me I'll miss a week or two of work while I recover. I hope not. So now I have pre-op blood and EKG tests and an x-ray scheduled...

All these things serve to distract me until the end of October when scan #2 is scheduled...