Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Good Energy

So many of you are thinking and worrying about me...

I wanted to say that I am working everyday toward healing myself; I plan on recovering fully and I need all of your help and support.

All of your positive and healing thoughts and prayers make a big difference to me...

Please keep sending them my way!

xo David

Monday, June 29, 2009


Four days into chemo has me fatigued and a bit nauseous. It comes and goes throughout the day, but I am able to function fairly normally with regular rests and hot baths... we'll see if that gets worse as I go on. My stomach hurts a bit - probably because of the advil I take for back pain.

I'm off red meat, sugar and most dairy, eating much more greens, grains, and veggies... The little bit of chicken and fish I eat is organic, free range or wild caught...That part feels good.

I was losing weight just from getting off cookies and meat, and am now focusing on building my immune system to recover from the chemo and help fight the cancer. I'm exercising (walking) and taking vitamin supplements to help with that...

All of your help and support is so important to me as I try and heal myself.



Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, June 26

Hi Everyone,
Dave's first chemo session at MGH went well in a very supportive environment. He is home resting and continuing to take his second regimen of pills as prescribed and, so far, tolerating them alright. As a friend of Dave and Monika and the kids for 30 years it is amazing to see the support and positive energy you are all giving and sending. If any of you have any specific questions and you don't want to bother the family just email or call me (Debora Vander Molen, vanderspan@aol.com, 617-699-7689) though Dave reads his emails every day.
Just a note of precaution, now that Chemo has started it's important for anyone who is sick to wait to visit until you are better.
Thanks again to everyone! Debora

Monday, June 22, 2009


As we suspected, I will not be a candidate for surgery unless chemo treatments shrink the cancer a lot.

On Thursday, I start a chemotherapy regiment of two drugs, receiving the drugs for two weeks and then one week off. This course will be repeated 2 or 3 times before I am reassessed.

If there is a reduction or at least a stop in the growth of the cancer, then other treatments including radiation will follow.

Now I am continuing to strengthen my body and mind in preparation to fight the cancer. I am changing my diet to exclude sugar and red meat, and increasing my intake of lots of grains and veggies to support my immune system.

Thank you for all of your love, support and help.

Keep it coming...it makes a big difference to know I have others behind me.

xo David

Monday, June 15, 2009


David met with his GI oncologist at Mass General today. At this meeting it was confirmed that he has adenocarcinoma of the pancreas that is locally advanced; meaning it has not spread to other organs but has incorporated the apatic artery and SMA making an operation not possible.

He will meet with a surgeon next Tuesday, as well as his MGH oncologist and radiologist to see if there is any chance that chemo and radiation would have any potential to reduce the vein involvement enough to make surgery possible.

He will begin chemotherapy on June 25.

As of now David feels fine and is hoping to finish as much of the teaching year as possible.

He is also trying to strengthen his immune system and his mental fortitude as he prepares to battle the cancer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


You already know that David's been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

Today he went to MGH for an endoscopic ultrasound, and he'll have a CT of his Pancreas  on Thursday.

Next Week he'll be meeting with a pancreatic oncologist at MGH to start putting all the info together into a treatment plan.  The following week he'll see a surgeon  to see if surgery is an option.

Right now is the quiet before the storm, and it's very frustrating not yet having a full diagnosis.
When we have more information and a treatment plan, we'll update you all.

David and Monika want to express their deepest thanks to everyone for all the love and support...