Monday, June 29, 2009


Four days into chemo has me fatigued and a bit nauseous. It comes and goes throughout the day, but I am able to function fairly normally with regular rests and hot baths... we'll see if that gets worse as I go on. My stomach hurts a bit - probably because of the advil I take for back pain.

I'm off red meat, sugar and most dairy, eating much more greens, grains, and veggies... The little bit of chicken and fish I eat is organic, free range or wild caught...That part feels good.

I was losing weight just from getting off cookies and meat, and am now focusing on building my immune system to recover from the chemo and help fight the cancer. I'm exercising (walking) and taking vitamin supplements to help with that...

All of your help and support is so important to me as I try and heal myself.




  1. Dave,
    We are happy to hear that you are responding relatively well to the treatment so far. We really appreciate the updates and being able to follow your progress. We're thinking about you a lot and sending lots of good energy and happy thoughts your way. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    Camilla & Johanna

  2. Dear Dave,

    So sorry to hear that the cancer forced you to lay off the cookies--is nothing sacred?

    I'm one of so many, in the background, pulling for you and sending you peace prayers.


  3. Hannah Smith LibertyJune 29, 2009 at 6:50 PM

    Prifti -
    The whole family is thinking of you and sending much love your way.

    Hannah Smith

  4. Hi David,

    I agree with with kevin, a bummer about the cookies... but I'll bet you'll feel so much better once your body detoxes... hopefully the chemo will have a good through shot at this damn thing. Hang in there, we are all so with you on this one brother.


  5. Dave, Would you consider the chickens at your place to be free range chickens? I don't mean to threaten their existence-just curious. So far, it's good chemo weather, lousy, but at least you don't want to be at the beach. I'm in school through July, so
    tell me if and when you want a visitor. Until then, regards and lots of good vibes, Al.

  6. Hey Prifti!

    Great to hear another update from you. Next there will be a PriftiApp for the iPhone! I sent you a message to comcast, too, but I'm not sure you still check that one.

    Anyway, I think of you every morning when I wake up. Then I dedicate my bike ride to work to visualizing your pancreas. (Good energy in, bad energy out). I have developed some pretty powerful images of those cancer cells. For example, sometimes they wear bike shorts and get hit by cars -- and of course, they think they're cool, so they don't wear helmets. Splat! If you ever have a shortage of visuals, I'd be happy to share some more. But some of them definitely aren't appropriate for a public blog.

    See you soon.

    xoxo, josie g.

  7. Sounds like you're doing all the right things, Dave. Just a word of caution... make sure you take the Advil on a full (or mostly full) stomach. My mom has degenerative disk disease in her neck, and would you believe that taking two-four Advils a day actually gave her a bleed in her stomach which required a hospital stay, several units of blood and 6 months of iron supplements to recover? It works great, but can do a number on your stomach. I only mention that because I am sure you don't want to deal with something like that on top of the chemo.

    Best wishes and love, Dave... Thinking about you often.

    Heather (Norrod) Smith
    CCHS '91
