Tuesday, June 9, 2009


You already know that David's been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

Today he went to MGH for an endoscopic ultrasound, and he'll have a CT of his Pancreas  on Thursday.

Next Week he'll be meeting with a pancreatic oncologist at MGH to start putting all the info together into a treatment plan.  The following week he'll see a surgeon  to see if surgery is an option.

Right now is the quiet before the storm, and it's very frustrating not yet having a full diagnosis.
When we have more information and a treatment plan, we'll update you all.

David and Monika want to express their deepest thanks to everyone for all the love and support...


  1. David,
    Wishing you and your family courage and strength as you go through this process of full diagnosis.
    Barb Chase

  2. hi Prifti,

    We are all praying for your continued strength and the will to conquer this cancer. We are here for you and your family in whatever way you need help. I can help with finishing your garage, mowing the lawn, drives to the hospital, or just being there for some companionship. we are here all summer and we are just a stones throw away. Be strong, eat well, and our prayers are with you and your family.

    Les, Sue, Krys, Erin, & Carly
