Monday, June 15, 2009


David met with his GI oncologist at Mass General today. At this meeting it was confirmed that he has adenocarcinoma of the pancreas that is locally advanced; meaning it has not spread to other organs but has incorporated the apatic artery and SMA making an operation not possible.

He will meet with a surgeon next Tuesday, as well as his MGH oncologist and radiologist to see if there is any chance that chemo and radiation would have any potential to reduce the vein involvement enough to make surgery possible.

He will begin chemotherapy on June 25.

As of now David feels fine and is hoping to finish as much of the teaching year as possible.

He is also trying to strengthen his immune system and his mental fortitude as he prepares to battle the cancer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi David and family -

    I know that you are probably inundated with many things, but just wanted to drop a quick line. David you are such an inspiring teacher and person - so many happy thoughts are being directed your way.

    A tough time all fact, my father just found out he has esophagus cancer. Between the two of you, I know there is plentiful strength and spunk.

    Please know that I am thinking of you and sending energy your way.

    My very best, Leslie

  3. Jerry and I are praying for you. You and Monikka (I'm sorry about the spelling), Lucas and Amanda are such special people. We love you and send you postive energy. Hugs and kisses.
    Sharon, Jerry, Jackie, and Candice

  4. Hang in there David! Please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do to support you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kelly McCausland

  5. David, Monika, Lucas and Amanda

    We wish you the very best of eveything this Universe can offer to all of you through this difficult journey, just as you David, have so willingly and uncomplainingly helped all the folks around you facing challenging times.

    You, as a family, are the most generous people I have come to know, from hosting Amdo, to traveling to Gatsal, not once, but several times - you embody the spirit of giving and generosity. Best wishes, we are here with you, please let us know how we can help make things seem less difficult. Bc and Geeta

  6. Dear David,

    You are in our thoughts as you begin the battle -- as veterans, Gus and I are here for you and Monika regardless of the need or time of day. Please don't hesitate to phone or ask for anything. Know that you are loved by many who send their positive energy.

    Good luck with chemo -- may it be so powerful and to smash each damn cancer cell!

    You shall be in our prayers.

    Arlette (and Gus)

  7. Hi Dave;

    I do fundraising for MGH's Cancer Center and I feel it's absolutely the best. From personal experiences with my sister, they treat you not just as a patient, but as a person. There are lots of great resources there. Hugs to you and your family,
    Susan Erickson, Grade 4 teacher at Thoreau and Chris and Ben's mom

  8. Hello David,
    We are in Iran in the mix of these incredible events. We just got your email and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and we are sending you all our positive energy. We know that the near future will difficult and trying but we are pulling for you and hoping for your complete recovery. We hope to be in touch when we return.
    Warmest Regards
    Rusty & Shahla

  9. Hi Dave,

    Thank you for the lovely graduation party. it was beautiful!
    You have a very difficult road ahead, but I know that your boundless energy and positive spirit will serve you well with your upcoming challenges.
    Please let me know if I can help in any way, ride to treatment, anything at all. I am here all summer. You are in my thoughts, prayers, visualizations for a safe road back to health.
    Love to Monica, Lucas, and Amanda

  10. Prifti--

    What a lovely tribute to you at graduation (read it in the Journal today). And absolutely accurate. Sent it on to Noah and Brooke.


  11. Sending love from Brooklyn everyday in everyway. Hope to pop in for a visit sometime in July or early August. Till then, peace,
    Can the Journal article be posted?

  12. link to journal article which also has a short video clip

    Also, CCHS website now has the graduation speech in its entirety



  13. GO GO PRIFTI!!!
    you are one of the strongest people I know, you are amazing. You believed in many, including myself, who couldn't see a road ahead, and now, everyone believes in you, and has you in their thoughts. Karma is some seriously powerful crap, so stay strong, stay You.


  14. Thanks to Tara for including the link--I am so very moved by these words and just passed them on to my students, friends, and family. You rock Mr. Prifti--did you wear that gorilla suit when your head was stuck in a ceiling hole in Annie Hamilton's installation? Or were you just in a lifeguard chair surrounded by mussel shells???

  15. Dave,
    Tom and I send healing thoughts and vibes as you take on this battle. You have powerful good forces working for you -- we love you and will do whatever we can to help you and the family. Just let us know.
    Sue and Tom

  16. Dear Dave,
    On this Fathers' Day, I hope you are enjoying some family time with Monika, Lucas and Amanda. You remain much in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you are still feeling the love and healing energy that is being sent your way!!
    The DiCesares - Tamara, Paul, Juliana and John
