Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, June 26

Hi Everyone,
Dave's first chemo session at MGH went well in a very supportive environment. He is home resting and continuing to take his second regimen of pills as prescribed and, so far, tolerating them alright. As a friend of Dave and Monika and the kids for 30 years it is amazing to see the support and positive energy you are all giving and sending. If any of you have any specific questions and you don't want to bother the family just email or call me (Debora Vander Molen,, 617-699-7689) though Dave reads his emails every day.
Just a note of precaution, now that Chemo has started it's important for anyone who is sick to wait to visit until you are better.
Thanks again to everyone! Debora


  1. Thank you Debora, I really appreciate knowing about Dave and everything w/o bothering--I may give you a call. Thank you again for being so generous with your time and these postings--it really means a lot.
    Anne Kornfeld

  2. Dave, Good here you're hanging in there.
    Think of you often and sending good thoughts your way.
    Sharon T
