Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another week off...

I've had this week off chemo, and have been using it to make art, strengthen my body and rest before teaching starts up again in a couple of weeks. This week Monika brought both kids to set them up at college in Colorado and North Carolina... exhausting for her.
I stayed home.

The lack of growth in the last scan is helping me focus and redouble my efforts to get through this...
I've dropped chicken from my diet so now I'm down to just salmon, herring, and sardines for animal protein... Also this week I started going to Yoga... Day one wasn't pretty, but I think it will help me a lot if I have the energy to keep going even when I'm back on chemo. I'm hoping for 3-4 times a week.



Friday, August 14, 2009

No Growth

The first scan shows no growth, or if anything a tiny bit of shrinkage. It's good news but tempered by the fact that I need a LOT of shrinkage to get to an operation that could save me.

So the work continues, and I keep working at chemo, diet, exercise, mind work, and supplements, and try and make this work.

Thank you for all the encouragement and help... It makes a BIG difference to me!

xo D

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We just got back from a couple of days in P-Town for the opening of a show of my photographs. The weather was perfect, and LOTS of friends came out for the opening. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came or sent good wishes...

I had started up on chemo again on Wednesday, and I've been feeling pretty good. I don't know if it was the energy from the show and being around lots of friends, or that a week off chemo gave my body time to recover...but either way I've been less tired than previous weeks.

I will get my first scan this week to see if the chemo is working...I'll find out the results on Thursday when I see my doctor on chemo day... Needless to say I am anxious about the results. We are hoping for either: 1. tumor shrinkage, or 2. no growth.

Any growth or spread and the window for getting to eventual surgery will close.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Round 3

After having this week off chemo, I've almost forgotten how tired I get when I'm on it...

This week will be the beginning of the 3rd, 3 week cycle (2 weeks on, 1 week off chemo) of treatment. I may get a scan after this cycle, and then another after the next 3 cycles to see if the growth has shrunk, stopped growing, or has spread. That will determine what happens next...

I'll get my infusion a day early on Wednesday this week, so that Monika and I can go to P-Town on Thursday for my show at the Rice/Polak Gallery which opens on Friday night. Hopefully I can rest most of Thursday and have some energy for the show...
We're looking forward to getting away for a couple of days.

The Garden is in full bloom and gives me great pleasure, even though our huge lilies got trashed by the monsoon that we had a few days ago. They will spring back...