Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another week off...

I've had this week off chemo, and have been using it to make art, strengthen my body and rest before teaching starts up again in a couple of weeks. This week Monika brought both kids to set them up at college in Colorado and North Carolina... exhausting for her.
I stayed home.

The lack of growth in the last scan is helping me focus and redouble my efforts to get through this...
I've dropped chicken from my diet so now I'm down to just salmon, herring, and sardines for animal protein... Also this week I started going to Yoga... Day one wasn't pretty, but I think it will help me a lot if I have the energy to keep going even when I'm back on chemo. I'm hoping for 3-4 times a week.




  1. prift-- for the yoga, it's all in the spandex unitard, you can do it! and by that i mean purchase one ;)

    xo diane

  2. Dave,

    Take a picture of yourself in a unitard. Please? It would be so awesome!

    Thinking of you and sending you strong thoughts.


  3. why I think david would look rather fetching in a whatchmacallit...

    those kids will be so happy to see mr. P.!!!

    go david go!!!


  4. Good we can do yoga together so I can help you touch your foot to your head!

    -Rachel J

  5. DAve...I hope you have a very artistic yoga mat...and matching yoga block! Hope the kids are settling in well at their respective schools...two great places to visit!

  6. Yo! Great job!! "Bend and stretch.....reach for the sky..."
    How about soy for protein??? Sauce makes the meal!
    G -

  7. geez I was going to make a funny comment about the unitard thing but I see that there's a long line of people out there before me. it's burning a spot in my visual cortex just thinking about it. ummm.... no offense.

  8. Hang in there Prif!
    Miss you!
    Jess Stout

  9. You're amazing, Dave! I admire you for all the commitments you're making.

    Heather (Norrod) Smith (CCHS '91)

  10. Hejsan Dave,
    I hope the return to school is great.. I'm back teaching photo. I was sad to miss your show, but would love to come out and see you for a day this fall. Keep up the good habits! You rock! luv you, Hannah

  11. Prifti, you are a beast for getting back to teaching! Best of luck next week.

    Rootin' for you every day,
