Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to school...

"Me in Yoga class"

Today was the first day of classes, and it went pretty well...

I have a wonderful batch of new students, as well as a bunch of advanced students who are also great... The school administration and my peers are supportive and accommodating and are helping me to make it work.

It's clear that I will need to modify my teaching and energy output, but it seems doable. I have a great teaching assistant in my first period class who will be able to assist in set up and materials preparation... and I have to modify some of my class requirements.

The school will install a purell dispenser in my room, and the last thing I need to work out is how to deal with sick kids as I try and protect my immune weakened body from illness...

It feels so good to be back doing what I do best... I get real positive energy being back with students...

Yoga is going very well...I have been going twice a week and will try and add a couple more classes if I can...



  1. Dave,
    Good to hear that you are back at school and modifying your schedule a bit. Wow...Yoga!!
    I was back in Ptown and took Casey to see the exhibit (some photos moved to new locations).
    I am still so moved by the photos. Casey leaves on Sunday.
    As always, rooting for you, and sending all my positive energy your way.
    Shrink, baby, shrink....(didn't Sarah Palin say that?)
    Anyway, lov ya,
    Paula, et al.

  2. Hi David,

    Looks like you got into shape fairly quickly!!! Have a great school year!!! It's clear that you thrive on teaching those kids and they thrive on learning from you.

    Be safe and tell those kids to keep it clean!!!


    Steve and Tina

  3. hey prifti!

    ...i'm just saying prift, there are a lot of options...
    (i don't want to influence but i'm a fan of the chesty teal one, it's simple but not simplistic...)

    all unitard hubbub aside, so glad the school year and your new batch of kids are bringing out good energy.

    sending good vibes xc, as always,
    xo diane

  4. You are a fabulous teacher, and we're sure EVERYONE at CC is so happy to see you and to have you back in the classroom! Rationing your energy is a smart move -- no doubt the kids will be terrifically helpful. We wish you a great "new year" and much success, dear Dave.
    Thanks for your delightful (and funny!) pics in the blog. They make us laugh.
    Sue and Tom

  5. Hey!

    impressive that you are back at school teaching! i am wiped out and exhausted from being back teaching myself at the moment..

    thank you for the info you sent, i have forwarded it and hope it will help

    massor av kramar to you and monika! i think about you daily,

  6.! I knew the spinach would work.

    Perhaps an outfit for next weeks class? Your super-man onesie would be ideal. We all know you're itching for another opportunity to wear it, and the cape will come in handy for your "flying warrior" posture. Not to mention, your classmates might appreciate the attire. I'm sure your bulging muscles are putting them to shame...

    Can't you just feel the good vibes zap the shrinking muck?

    Flax on -

    ps - so far so good in chicago. awesome classes and friendly advisors, new materials & gritty city to explore... xoxo

  7. Prifti,

    For the record: Although you never actually taught me, and I only got near-daily doses of you for that one year,I felt so moved by the experience of just being around you as a student. I felt appreciated, and noticed for qualities beyond the obvious ones...I'm so happy for CCHS that they have you back, and that there is new growth for you in the experience of being back.

    I am thinking of you often--sometimes when I pick up my camera and wish I'd started 20 years ago, and especially when I'm in some crazy-*ssed asana and imagining you in a suh-weet spandex get-up!


