Friday, August 14, 2009

No Growth

The first scan shows no growth, or if anything a tiny bit of shrinkage. It's good news but tempered by the fact that I need a LOT of shrinkage to get to an operation that could save me.

So the work continues, and I keep working at chemo, diet, exercise, mind work, and supplements, and try and make this work.

Thank you for all the encouragement and help... It makes a BIG difference to me!

xo D


  1. phew! great work guys. perhaps you forget how amazing stabilization is so let me remind you 'k? I feel like all of the extra mental/physical and spiritual cleaning you've done has paid off and I'm a huge fan of the way you both have come together and taken control of what you can. YOU BOTH RULE. xxx m

  2. Ai Dave,
    Have been checking and waiting all night for your report. Some relief for sure! You have made some tremednous changes in lifestyle and that's no easy task, I give it to you for that--keep it going and you will make it work!

    I'm going to Europe for the next several weeks, but when I return both Harry and Melissa will be at U/Mass, so I hope to visit them and you in the beautiful autumn light.

    Till, then I'll keep checking and wishing you all my love to you, Monika and the kids.

    annie K. Korndingo

  3. You are one the right track! Yes, shrinkage! It will happen more!
    Your work in P-town looks amazing. I wish I could have been at the opening. Would love to come out and visit with you before the summer flies away!
    Sending you LOL!!


  4. Yey!!! That is good news! Hoping and wishing for more!! Många kramar till er båda!

  5. Woo hooo! Great work! 5% club here you come!!
    We'll keep the good vibes coming, so much love from all directions can only help.
    Kym, Vincent and Maya

  6. Monika and Dave--
    Great news for you--lots of hard work but it seems to be paying off. Sit in the garden on these beautiful days and let all of life seep in. Lauri and Hank

  7. Great news! Continue to be hopeful and hang in there!
    Courtney Jo

  8. Great news!! We are so happy to read this update, we are thinking of you guys a lot, lots of big kramar to you and rest of the family. /Åsa & Patrik

  9. YES!!! Such great news for you David and Monika!!! I'm so glad to hear of your progress. Whatever you're doing do more!!!

    Sending hugs and lots of love...

    steve and tina

  10. Yes!!!!!!!!


  11. That's great news David. Keep it up and turn this thing around.

  12. Dave,
    Totally great news! Think Shrink!
    Paula, et al

  13. Shrinkage means the tumor responded to all of your hard work. You are in control now...let's keep it that way!


  14. prifti, i'm so glad!!! i'm back in the 01741/2 so i'd love to drop by sometime soon and chat. xo diane

  15. Hi Mr. Prifti!

    Congrats on the good news! Keep up the good work, Mom and I are rooting for you!


    Nikki S. from C4RJ

  16. Yahoo!!! Great news...and it will get better!!
    Going to see the show this week in P-town...can't wait!
    Enjoy the garden...hugs to Monika...!
    xoxo G -

  17. Great news, Dave! Love the term, "Think shrink!" Keep up that good work and beat that tumor down. It was wonderful to see you last week -- you look terrific and your courage shines through. We are with you every day sending love and health.
    Sue & Tom

  18. So great to hear that it´s going the right direction. I agree with above: Think shrink!:)
    kram Johanna

  19. Great news David! Apparently, art also heals...


  20. good to focus in on this positive pronouncement - keep with this work that yields shrinkage - congratulations - jan

  21. Bravo, David!!!! Ton amie, Karen F

  22. D --

    Just pulled in from the last of the summer gigs - what tremendous news to come home to! I can only imagine the patience and fortitude it takes to keep your lifestyle change in focus, front and center every day. Keep it up! Yeah shrinkage! Call me if you ever want a bike ride partner.


  23. David: That's great news. We will keep the good positive thoughts coming your way. Sounds like you are on the right track. Congrats! Please keep the postings coming.
    Love, Jody

  24. Yaaayyyyy! So great to hear. Keep up the fight, it's working!

    Rock on,

  25. So glad for some good news. And the opening looks like it was fantastic. We are thinking lots of positive thoughts for you over here. Fingers crossed for shrinkage!

