Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yesterday brought my last infusion and the beginning of my last week of chemo before I get another scan on the 27th... That will be the end of six - 3 week cycles of chemo since I began down this road...time flies slowly in this case...

By the end of this month I'll know better where I stand and then we'll make decisions about the next phase of treatments. My doctor was cautiously optimistic last week, noting that I would probably not be in such good health if the cancer was spreading so MAYBE the chemo is working... The difficulty comes in trying not to get too excited by such small statements when the general prognosis is not so positive.

Separate from the chemo, I do feel very good so I hope that reflects progress...I continue to push on all fronts.

Monika and I are going to visit Amanda in Boulder this weekend, so I'm really looking forward to that. She will be transferring back east second semester to be closer to us during this odyssey... I'm very happy about that...

xo D


  1. Good Luck David,

    We're all sending good prayerful thoughts for your continued success.
    Traveling is always great, have a safe trip and be sure to visit Garden of the Gods near Colo. Springs if you have a chance. That place is magical...


  2. What a wise comforting owl overlooking your blog and your health. I'm sure all the gods are on your side and rooting for you. Keep your courage high. You are a wonderful, remarkable person, Dave, and we all love you and send you healing thoughts.
    XX Sue and Tom

  3. With all that goes on at the beginning of a new school year, I'm taking this time to send you love.

  4. Hi Dave,
    Am glad to know you are feeling good and do take that as a nice sign. Boulder is quite lovely, but I'm also happy that you'll have your Amanda closer to home. Where will she be going?
    I think of you all the time!
    love from chilly NY,

  5. You need to be so proud of how you have taken control of this- you are amazing and an inspiration to the rest of us. We think of you every day, and look forward optimistically to the 27th.

    Have a fun weekend!

    We love you, Amy (and Jason, Charlie, Nora and Chuy)

  6. Thinking of you. Chicago is getting cold. It's been a bumpy start -- I've already gotten my bike stolen, mugged, and dropped my cellphone in the toilet. I just keep telling myself that i'm a ninja.

    Hope you are well and better combobulated than me!


  7. hi Dave,
    I saw Åsa this weekend and we both send our thoughts your way. We think of you and rest of your family. You are still part of our lives!
    kram Johanna

  8. It was wonderful having you here in Boulder last weekend! I loved seeing you mom and dad and I look forward to Thanksgiving!


  9. I'm glad to hear you will be able to spend more time with your daughter! You have always been such a inspiration, so it should come as no surprise that you continue to be one. You and yours are in my thoughts.

    Amanda B
