Friday, July 17, 2009

Week Off...

After two weeks on chemo, I just completed my first week off from chemo, and it was a very good week.

Four wet plate artist friends came here from all around the country for our annual art making gathering. Luckily it coincided with my chemo off-week. They filled our house with people and good energy. There was lots of art making, laughing, good art discussions, and the event at times took on a circus-like quality with so much going on at once...

In addition to my standard treatment, I am taking supplements prescribed by the naturopath who specializes in cancer, I'm riding my bike around as much as I can, there are friends who are helping me with diet and nutrition, and an acupuncturist who treats me every Tuesday. I'm happy and positive and focused on living my life while I try and beat this.
I plan to spend a few days a week making art this summer as energy allows...

I'm tolerating the chemo pretty well, so far with only some nausea and fatigue as side affects. Though it knocks down my white blood cell and platelet counts, so that is being watched closely.

Friends from all corners of my life have been signing up to bring a meal on a Monday or a Wednesday, and others have been bringing us things spontaneously... We are blessed with so much support and kindness.

Thank you, it helps alot.



  1. Great picture! Your fabulous ;)
    kram Johanna

  2. prifti, you're stupendous- that super hero costume is a great look for you i am definitely a fan. so happy that you had a great week and more to come!

    like you always tell me,
    take it slow :)

    always thinking of you and sending good vibes
    xoxo diane

  3. Great pic! You are superman!

  4. Dave, the superhero costume aside, you look incredibly healthy, glowing in fact! Keep up the great work!

    Amy and Jason

  5. You are so brave and strong. I admire your strength. Keep using us for support and know we are always here. Love, Jessye

  6. Love the tights!! They ARE your color!!
    Enjoy the sunshine and crisp air....ride with the wind!!
    Blessings and light...
    G -

  7. i agree with Johanna, you do look fabulous! it was so great to see you and monika last week! and just so you know, i had pia over with her two kids for some american mac&cheese today (made from that huge chunk of velveeta i got) and they almost liked it...
    stay strong!
    lots of kramar and love to you!

  8. Hey Prifto, I had a good time meeting and reunionizing with you and your crew of Masterplaters! Im hoping to try to get Monty's email since I am going to be in Asheville for three or four days in a week or so. "Livin it to the limit is the sh't, but flying aint so easy" a wise teenager once told me that. Stay strong Jah!
    -Neil Ratusboy Sullpepper

  9. Hi David,

    You look so good in that, can Mike borrow it? We are always thinking of you and praying for you. Your attitude it awesome!

    Love, Mike, Marina, and the kids

  10. Hey Prifti,
    You look the same--but whose da guy on the left in the leopard??? ew la la!

  11. Hi: Dave: You are the MAN!!!! You have to have big ONES!!! to were that owesome get up. You depict what we wish to be SUPERMAN!!! To be fast than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive & able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Keep up the GREAT attitude & I will keep in touch.
    S. Konde

  12. ya don't really need the suit Prifti...

    you are a super man in everyone's heart...


  13. I can't decide if I like the superhero or cave man cosstume better. You should combine them and become the Super Caveman...perhaps?

    Sending lots of love and support.
    -Jaime Maz

  14. Yo Prift!! looking good in the costume! you'd be so proud i recently did a photo shoot of captain snow boots, he loved the attention. Keep staying strong, know you will!!

    Jesse and the Bilafers

  15. Our Super Hero, Prifti is the man!
    Love and healthy vibes to you each day,
    Sue & Tom
