Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I'm coming up on the end of my second full week of chemo (it feels like my second month), and I'm coping pretty well and have manageable symptoms. I will then be off chemo for the next week to allow my body to recover...I am looking forward to the break.

Everyday, I continue to work on body and mind.

Yesterday went to a naturopath who specializes in cancer. He seemed very knowledgeable and may be a good compliment to my medical treatment. He knows a lot about cancer cell mechanisms and supplements that may enhance the effects of chemo and others that support my immune system. He also suggested a diet that will help to starve cancer cells of glucose... though it is much more limited than the one I am already on, so we are now weighing all our options to see what will help me the most.

I am about to begin making art again, as I return to my normal life as much as I am able. Right now I am cleaning my darkroom and studio (with help) and getting ready for a chemo free week of picture making...

peace & love,



  1. Hi Dave,

    Just writing to let you know we are thinking of you over here on the Emerald Isle. Glad to hear you're feeling up to making pictures during the chemo break. Love you and all your family

    Juliana, Martin and Aidan

  2. Keep your spirits and hopes high, David! Glad you're seeing the naturopath. Don't forget the acupuncturist I recommended who has treated folks with cancer. He can help boost your immune system.
    We are thinking of you, sending health and love your way. Tom and Al come home tomorrow, Thursday.

  3. Prifti(our number one fan)-We are thinking and praying for you and your family. Good to hear that you are moving towards a postive and powerful week of picture making, take care.
    Carroll, Keith, Kailyn and the CCHS hockey team.

  4. Miss you Prifti! If you are in need of assistance on your dark room or art making, let me know, I am around! Thinking of you and sending you some healing thoughts! :)

  5. Hey P.!

    Sounds like you're of to a solid start against this thing... nothing like making art yo help satisfy the soul and mind. mP2009 will be awesome this year!!! "Chankerd", here we come!!! (I was corrected by my friend scott, a transplanted Bostonian).


  6. Hey you!!
    You are so so strong and I have known that since the day that I met you. You are not only an inspiration to people with the amazing art that you do but also as a person. I remember how much you have helped me over the years in high school and even now. Your family Prifti. I think about you every day, wondering how you are doing and how positive you are being through this. I look at you and i see the strength that you carry with you day in and day out and I have admired that since the day tht I met you. I hope we can possibly catch up next week when I come back to concord for a couple days. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Your family to me and I can express how much you have helped me over the years. You taking the time to sit with me for a couple hours while I was in school, having the hardest time of my life.....you were the one that was always there for me, to lend an ear and a helping hand well now it is my turn. I pray for you every day and I am here for you through your happiness, your sadness, your trumphs and your tribulations. Keep up the positive attitude because that is where it is all going to stem from.Love you always

    Kayla Flynn

  7. Stay strong. These are your true colours. We are so happy you are back to Art and Photography. Wonderful therapy and balm to the soul.

    We are with you and your wonderful family,

    Gaby and Jerry

  8. Hey Prift,
    I'm glad to hear you are in good spirits! Keep it up and enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!
    -Jaime Maz

  9. It's great to hear that you are doing all right so far. Your die sounds intereting, I'v been eating less and less meat and more and more veggies, and my dad is thinkong of opening up a restaurant with his interesting, mostly-veggie, very simple meals open to the public. If you need ideas on meals with mostly veggies, Mark Bittman has books and blogs on experimenting with that kind of food, with lots of recipes. Also, Michael Pollan has several good books (ike the Omnivre's dilemma) that have good ideas on the subject (but few recipes).
    Keep on fighting!

    <3 Eleanor Buxbaum

  10. The Peace of Wild Things

    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

    — Wendell Berry

  11. Just back from the Vegas buffets. I had the prime rib, the filet, the lamb, the kobe beef, flank steak, shrimp and most of the Alaskan King Crab legs in the northern hemisphere. I can't thank you enough that your current diet left as much for me as I needed. Here is hope: there were people at the poker tables that played worse than you. A big hug to you, AJ.

  12. Hey Prifti,
    How's the week going? What kind of work are you onto now?
    Just wanted to drop a line to let you know I'm thinking of you...we're having GREAT weather in NY-hope you are having that up there too!

  13. HI Dave,

    My thoughts are with you and your family right now. I am glad to hear you weathering the storm and planning to get back to your incredible art-making next week. Please let me know if you need anything? I am in and out of the office all summer.

    All the best to you,

    Jessica Truslow

  14. Osiyo!
    The whole "clan" is cheering for you! Even the little bear cub with her squeals! Loud enough?? Yahooooo!!!!!!
    Sending light and love to y'all....
    Gale and PC-JC-AC-MC-AC, aka little bear..grrr!
