Sunday, January 24, 2010

Resting and Waiting

It's been a week since I ended the last round of treatments, and I'm slowly getting my strength and energy back. I've been sleeping a lot and I have a little more energy each day. Today I started back up with yoga classes; I've been feeling as limber as a bag of cement.

The Feng Shui Master came back last week. After learning that my scan from a month ago was good, he said he needed to follow up on his previous visits to do some new things to heal me. He is a complete mystery. The Master drives up in a big Mercedes, sports an Elvis like bouffant and a Chinese leisure suit, and uses i-phone apps to make his ancient calculations. This time he checked on the site of the animal ghost ceremony that he did the last time, making sure it was still fenced off from any human or animal contact. He also inspected all the other things he told us to do (most of which we did). He speaks no English, but says very little anyway, and explains almost nothing of the what's or why's of his actions.
This weeks action involved him making an alchemical mixture of various colored powders, mixing in some water, painting it on a large brass Chinese coin which, after a ceremony involving fire, bells, and numerous incomprehensible incantations, ended by me hanging the coin in the carefully chosen and measured spot on the wall, and then my carrying a laminated packet of something on my person and wearing a blessed jade and gold dragon necklace... I'm starting to feel like a Chinese Liberace... all in the name of healing...and fun.

February 11 is my next goal. It's the big day when I get the latest scan back and meet with my "team" to chart the next path...

This illness has changed the nature of "goals" for me. I used to think about long and short term goals; like what I'd like to accomplish in the next couple of years, and then 10 years and on retirement plans... Plans based on the illusion of unlimited time.

Now my goals are much closer to home... timed to help me make it through the next treatment, or through the few days it takes until a test or scan result comes in. These goals keep me much more focused in the moment, and consequently I feel more present and focused on each day. Grateful, really. (Scared, but grateful)

So February 11th is my current goal.



  1. My Dear David and Monika - I just received a letter from Mr. Fallon telling me of your recent trials. What a shock, but how wonderful to see your smiling faces on this blog. I've been in financial straits for 3 years now and have not made it back east. Being reminded of my old friends and what they are going through makes that absence even harder. I do work with some people out here who do spiritual healing so know that you will be included in those ceremonies. I look forward to going back and catching up on all these blog entries. For now, just wanted to send love and support from the left coast.


  2. Love you, David and Monika. Karen F

  3. Gosh, what a burden you have been carrying (and your family too): a huge boulder of fear, worry, anxiety, hope, love, hard work, and now a jade and dragon necklace to boot! Seriously, Sisyphus has nothing on you -- you have more folks rooting for you than poor ancient Sisyphus had, I think. And you certainly have a much better sense of humor than he (no chicken tv for Sisyphus!).
    Tom and I send love, healing thoughts and prayers, and tons of courage to you, not as a burden but as a Lasting Lift.
    May you reap the rewards of that Mighty Feng Shui Master's efforts!
    Sue & Tom

  4. love you dad, thinking of you always, so excited to see you tomorrow! i'm so happy to be back on the east coast so days like tomorrow are possible, i couldn't picture being anywhere else. love you

    xoxo amanda

  5. love the chinese liberace image and now that you are so svelt you could pull it off tho you might need a wig. i hope you are getting my replies, i'm never sure any of this works. if you are bored you can check out my blog tho i would'nt blame you if you didn't, it's not nearly as clever or funny as yours. paul is doing well, feel confident the retuxan is working it's magic. my blog is give my love to monika, maybe i'll get inspired and bring you some healthy stew soon. love you and i just took a buddhist meditation class so i'll practice sending out gold healing light to you, don't blame me if i fail miserably, not that i think i will , it's just that i'm new at this.

  6. p.s. that last comment was me, robin
