Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Slowly building strength...

I feel pretty good. My wound is largely healed, it had been weeping fluid since I had the staples out, but it seems to be closing up nicely as of today. The pain is minimal, and easily controlled by advil and tylenol. My diet is back to my pre-surgery healthiness... today I started back up on my supplement regime... a hundred pills a day! I wish I could leave them behind, but I think they have played a major role in getting me to this place so I know I need to stay the course. I'll meet again with my naturalpathic doctor in a couple of weeks and see if I can modify the amount of supplements I take. Also, at $1000 a month I'd like to ease off financially also!

My biggest issue is fatigue. I get tired very easily. Because I otherwise feel good, it's very frustrating to be so weak and tired. I know that my body's been through a lot; between the operation and the high dose of radiation I have a lot of healing to do...

So my days consist of small activities followed closely by a nap with supplements and meals woven in... I was hoping I would be well enough to be back at school after April vacation next week, but only time will tell. In my current state I'd be napping by second period...

Todays big activities consisted of a short walk with Monika and the dog (resting at the halfway point), and I planted peas and salad green seeds in the garden beds that friends prepared over the weekend...


  1. David, sounds like you're doing great...naps and all. If you're up for a few armchair strolls around the wilds of Concord, you can visit my blog and click on the 2010 photo albums:

    Just started one on Concord wildlands to mark the seasons along the trails.

    Enjoy your small but steady steps forward!


  2. Wish I could have been there to help make those garden beds!

  3. Ahh, sowers of seeds.

  4. Despite multiple major ops, we've always been astonished at how long it takes for anesthesia to leave the body. And the long term fatigue effects from rad treatments linger longer than one would think also. All together, keep on napping -- and sowing. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all in the loop.
    Sending health and healing thoughts as always,
    Sue & Tom

  5. David, there's a practitioner I know a bit about in Framingham who does much of his healing work based on his apprenticing with North American Indian shamans. He can work long-distance; one need not go to him. I am wondering if this might interest you. From what I hear, he is quite gifted. His name is Peter Howe, and he has a website with his name.
    I am so glad you are strengthening yourself! And my sons, Adam & Robin, send their caring thoughts.
    Laurie Van Loon

  6. The 4pm'ers been sending you loud and vibrant om's !

    Sending all my best David. hope there's some seaweed in
    some of those supplements?

    p.s. there's an inspiring video of a 91 year old Yoga practitioner
    on my webiste. check out our future:


  7. Dave,
    When our kids were little and someone would get a scrape, Monika would always say...."don't worry, your body will fix it". I remember this because it was such a sweet, reassuring and straight forward thing to say. And now, here you are...doing all the right things for your body to fix it.
    Sending you much love and recovery energy,
    Paula, et al...

  8. bird by bird as anne lamott's father said or day by day. love the idea of you holding court in your garden, paul loved seeing you and the chickens. i met a cool student of yours at albright yesterday, a junior who may be helping you this summer lug your view camera around, can't remember his name. big fan! robin

  9. I want to be there and help work in your garden!
    I wish I could be with you dear friend and fill you with love :)
    You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  10. Great news about surgery and your healing, David. I´m so happy you write this blog. Even though we are so far away we feel close.
    Love to you and Monika.
    /Anna and Lars

  11. Hi David and Monika, Sounds like you're doing well. Naps rock - natures way of saying chil-lax - what would life be like without them? So keep it up. I was hoping to see you over my spring break but I hung here with Max instead. I remember when you took the above picture of me, glad you still have it. Talk soon, all of our love till then. Paul and Anne

  12. Checking in for the news and happy to hear your getting stronger and pain free. Keep it up!

  13. Take one day at a day and you'll be new as a bright shiny penny in no time...sending gentle healing thoughts to you in spring.
