Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This this past week was April vacation. I've been starting to pick up my activities more, in the garden, running errands and preparing photography materials. This comes from a combination of feeling stronger and my desire to test my stamina to see if I'm ready to return to teaching... I'm bored being home without the ability to do a lot.

I'm planning to return to teaching tomorrow. Today, we went to a six hour photography conference at Simmons College, which was a good test of my readiness. My classes have been in very good hands, so I know I can return on my terms... and I think it's time. Monika was also acting as a gatekeeper, and she wouldn't ALLOW me to return until she's sure I'm ready.

A couple of days ago, I brought my wet plate set up on the road to try to photograph a magnificent tree in southern NH. With the help of a former student (as Sherpa), I hoped to photograph this tree before the foliage emerges. I've pursued this tree several times with mixed results, but recently I've been feeling the need to revisit it. The tree is about 50 yards into the woods, requiring us to haul the 8x10 camera, darkroom box/cart, gear, chemicals, trays and 10 gallons of water down a slope to the tree. The light turned out to be brighter than the weatherman predicted, so I didn't get the picture I had hoped for... that will have to wait for another day, but it felt good being out working for those 6 hours.

The tree is the very essence of tenacity, brazenly clinging to a cliff with many arm-like roots, seemingly defying gravity. I thought is was the perfect subject for my re-emergence into the world of the "doing".


  1. Yeah! Way to go Dave--that tree, no matter the weather, is hanging on tight to that precipice. It's roots are solid and thick and there not going anywhere soon.
    Mazel on your return to the classroom. The kids are so much fun and good for the spirit. We all love you!

  2. robin.litwin@comcast.netApril 26, 2010 at 5:13 AM

    all good and amazing news but no surprise, hard to keep a good man away from all the things he loves. it's like this tree is a self portrait of sorts tho you are alot better looking. the kids will be so stoked to see you again as will all your teacher buds.

  3. The tree is amazing, as are you -- Roots and all!
    We sometimes overlook the rocks, but they are the better for the tree's grasp.
    Hold on, dear Dave. And thanks for your presence, your thoughts and heart, and your remarkable EYE.
    Sue & Tom

  4. prift so glad to read your update and psyched that you'll be back in the photo room! keep being amazing and strong!
    xo diane

  5. Beautiful as ever you bum... seems the tree is a perfect reflection of you P.

    Can't wait for mP2010!!!


  6. Dang, everybody else said all the stuff I was thinking! The deep creativity there in doing the work is what sets your healing process apart. Big success and happiness in returning to teaching.

  7. So beautiful. Love you.

    Anne and Paul

  8. Dave, as always you find the perfect poignant image to reflect your courage, grace, and perseverance. Awesome that you are returning to school and the routine of your extraordinary life!
    Be well,
