Thursday, April 8, 2010

Down the road...

Well I'm home resting and am fully engaged in a slow heal...

I got home last Tuesday, and by the weekend I was able to wean off the opiates (goodbye visions) and am now pretty comfortable on Tylenol and Advil. It will be a while yet, I think, until my body gets back to a solid place. Everything is working, and I'm on the mend but I feel fragile. I'm slowly getting back to my previous healthy diet as my digestive system finds it's legs ... so to speak. I got my staples removed this Tuesday, all is well with my 7" wound... I have a pretty sweet scar in the works. My world right now consists of lots of naps, and not much of an attention span so my days include a lot of sitting in the garden watching the nuthatches that have moved into one of our birdhouses. I'm relying on the labor of friends to wake up the garden this spring, turning beds, getting compost and moving things around... soon I can start putting in seeds and seedlings... those who want to visit are welcome to stop by...

This operation represents the end of my treatments. Once my body heals from the operation, I will return to teaching, art; my regular life... sort of. I will try to continue to live in the healthy, present, conscious way that I have adopted during this illness. Every six months from here on out I will get a CT scan to see if cancer is growing anywhere else in my body. If it pops up, I'll have limited options and not too much time... My radiologist and surgeon said I have a 6 percent chance of a cure, and that if the cancer returns it is almost always in a place other than the site of the tumor because the IORT almost always kills the tumor. If all the work I've been doing with diet and supplements with my naturalpathic doctor has been working as well as it seems, (the fact that I even got to the IORT was a long shot), then I think I may have better odds than I've been given... They say that if I get clean scans for 2 years I can start to feel hopeful, and after 5 years I'd be considered cured...

So now I have the odd task of trying to move forward with my life, all the while knowing that I may still have limited time, and that if I am cured, I won't feel free for years...

It leaves me with lots to ponder as I sit here healing everyday...


  1. not only are you an excellent photographer, but an excellent writer,too. I love reading your thoughts and your process. So honest and so giving. Odds are very odd things, I don't put much thought to them, but its hard to ignore when they are directed at you so specifically. (but do!) So far you've done nothing but beat the odds, and you've embraced a huge improvement to lifestyle and diet. I'm so happy, and impressed by you Dave. I hope you feel better and stronger every day!

  2. may you find solace in your healing and be sowing seeds for many springtimes yet to come. thank you for being such an amazing force of inspiration.

    amanda b

  3. Your name is always mentioned in my healing ceremonies out here on the other coast, Dave, and it has been an honor for me to hear you share your thoughts with everybody. Continued support to you and Monika--so glad you are home and working your way through this.

  4. i like the 5 year scenario and knowing you, it will be so,clean bill of health and living a mighty life of art, family , friends, teaching and watching the sweet nuthatches flit about. my blog is in case you get sick of politics. love ya, robin

  5. Aw Dave, I'm so sorry you are going through all this, but you are incredibly brave and strong, not to mention thoughtful, kind and with the biggest heart. You inspire me and the masses and you are my hero! I know you will continue to get stronger and better and with the spring get your hands dirty and the earth will turn again--beautiful flowers on the way!
    Much love always,

  6. D --

    Glad to hear that you're off the heavy stuff and that observing the growing world is helping you rest and heal. As always, I'm wishing you the best.


  7. Great to hear that you are home my friend. Let me know if you are bored and I will drop off the last chapter from my memoir, entitled, "cashews and ringing bells." You are mentioned several times in it. I hope the healing process continues to go well. JoBo
