Thursday, May 27, 2010

Art making

My energy has pretty much returned to normal levels, and my digestive system, thankfully, is now working pretty well. A recent visit to my Naturopathic doctor reveled that the blood levels which he's been treating with diet and supplements have stayed at desired levels even when I was off supplements and diet during the operation and recovery. He was able to cut my supplements roughly in half, and I am on a maintenance program to keep my levels strong. I was recently sent this link for a TED Talk. It deals with some of the basic approaches that some of my treatments address, it's worth a look:

As the school year is starting to wind down, I decided to bring my wet plate equipment back to school for demonstrations to my advanced classes and to see if making portraits of students was still something that appealed to me. My method of art making is to follow the flow of the work, taking my cues from what I am excited (driven) to explore. Throughout the winter and during treatments and recovery I often thought about what I might do if was able to work again, wondering if the portrait project I had been working on was still relevant. I'm a very different person than I was a year ago, so to test myself, I set up my equipment and started making pictures this week to see if it would click. On the first day, I made a picture a young man named Randolph who had a great afro parted down the middle. I like the picture a lot, and have realized that there is still a lot of work for me to do at school, and a lot more for me to learn, so I'm excited to keep at it.


  1. This picture is STUNNING!


  2. wooooo prift! you're incredible.

    massive hug, xo diane

  3. Nice picture, David. Glad you are back in the saddle. Best, Henry

  4. Wow, What a face! Just an amazing image, you go Prifti. Beautiful work. I live vicariously...(;

  5. love that you are back at the portraits and that it still feels right and relevant. his hair reminds me of angel wings, maybe your quardian angel? love, robin

  6. heh there is nothing like real art to view for whatever reason.
    i really like this guy, it is a far cry from growing up in dinger,colorado and watching 'binky' the clown in the afternoon. binky's doo was
    carmin orange red.

    i aint anonymous just black estevan del rio frio

  7. GREAT picture, Dave! And thanks for the TED link. Johns Hopkins is touting the same type of treatment (diet) that you've received. Finally, Truth in Packaging!
    Keep up the fab work.
    Sue & Tom

  8. Fantastic portrait! Glad you are doing so well! We are actually coming to New England to mostly visit my folks in RI - we'll try to give you a call and catch up with you. Any requests from Alaska?!?
    XO Donna Rae and Don

  9. so happy to read you are feeling normal and more energetic! love the blog and reading your journey Dave. sending love to you and monika and your family....xojane

  10. Fantastic stuff, both in news and in art!

  11. I'm rooting for you, Dave! I hope you can beat this thing, and in the meantime, I'm so glad your feeling better! Gorgeous photograph!

  12. Great to hear both the blood levels and creative juice levels are running high!! Looking forward to celebrating with you this Saturday!

  13. Love the picture... I see a heart....
