Thursday, June 10, 2010

One year down...

Today I turned 49. Birthdays generally haven't meant very much to me as I've never been bothered about getting older...

But as this is a birthday that I was not predicted to see, I'm happy to report that I'm still here, with no plans to leave. Now I can't take birthdays for granted so this one feels pretty good.

Soon school will be out for the year, and I'm grateful that I can spend the summer hanging with my family, making pictures, and taking a couple of road trips.....


  1. happy bday! i remember your 40th bbque bash, so fun and carefree. amazing how lifes curveballs take us to a profound place of being present and grateful. you met yours like a dragon slayer, hope to see you both before we head to the cape. all is well here, pete graduated, check out my blog for cool photos and words of wisdom. love you and monika, robin

  2. Wahw, what a year indeed. So many profound life lessons and immense challenges that you have faced and surmounted with such grace. We reflect more deeply, and with increased gratitude every day as your students of life. We thank you for your wisdom and inspiration. Wishing so much we could be with you all tomorrow but send big cosmic hugs from the West in our place! Much love and Happy happiest birthday, Kym, Maya and Vincent

  3. Anne Fishbein likes this. (Sorry, facebook communication has erased my vocabulary and my ability to express myself in a more original and genuine way ((unless writing in parenthesis))

  4. Hey Dave, Happiest of Natal Days! And you certainly have tons of reasons to celebrate. As always we send love and strength -- you are one of the most courageous people we know -- you just glow with it. Enjoy the summer in all ways. You deserve that too!

  5. Happy, happy birthday, David. I just turned 50 a couple weeks ago and am now dealing with some health issues myself. Your strength and tenacity is quite an inspiration. Many, many more!!
    -Kerik Kouklis
