Monday, June 28, 2010


The hectic last few weeks of school are over and the summer is here...

My plans are to hang with Monika and the kids as much as possible, to relax, and then make pictures as often as I can. We'll go camping at our favorite spot, take a road trip to NC for a week and a half, and otherwise walk the dog and hang in the garden.

I feel pretty good apart from some issues I'm having with back pain (a 10 yr condition that pre-dates the cancer), so things are pretty stable on the health front.

All eyes look ahead toward a September scan as I continue this process...

Until then I'll keep doing what I've been doing, trying to keep a balance between elements of my old life, and the rigors and self awareness of my "new" life.

Hopefully I won't have much to report as the summer unfolds, I know it's boring from a blog reading point of view, but I must say I cherish the fact that I've had almost nothing going on medically for so long...

Have a great summer!


  1. prift! wishing you a fabulous summer... sounds like it already! give sienna a belly rub for me! until then, a little letter is coming your way...
    xo diane

  2. Happy Summer, Prifti! Boring and quiet is good. Soak it up. It is all about relishing simple pleasures. Wishing you nothing but good health and continued healing. xx

  3. Hi Prifti,

    That is good news :) I hope you have a nice relaxing (and hopefully cool) summer with your family.
    take care,
    emily poole

  4. Hi Dave and Monika--
    Absolutely love the pic--so peaceful. Boring and no news is good in this case and love reading this. Continue to re-energize and soak up the loveliness of New England summers, family, friends and all that is good. Fondly, Hank and Lauri

  5. Have a wonderful summer and happy belated birthday.

  6. Hey Dave,
    Breathe deep, look hard, love long, be well.
    Peace and Health,
    Sue & Tom

  7. Hi Moondog and Dave,
    Summer sounds lovely and all seems good in the world. I hope you enjoy many peaceful and sweet days and make lotsa pics.
    My love to you always,

  8. love this image, so symbolic of the resting state you all so deserve! think of you all the time. we are also in a sweet spot w/ paul and just relishing in health, love and life. wishing you a blissful summer together. robin and paul
