Sunday, December 13, 2009

one week down...

During this first week of radiation, I held up pretty well. It makes me tired, and I feel like "something" is going on inside, but otherwise I can't tell. I've had some pain in my back and around the area of my stent, but I'm not sure if it related to the treatments or just caused by irritation from the stent procedure and the stress of being back in daily treatment.

I have the weekends off from both the radiation and chemo, so I'm trying to rest and refresh in preparation for week 2.
The kids come home on Tuesday, and Monika's Mom comes from Sweden on Friday, so lots of distractions are on the horizon...

Numerous people have been asking me about how to join the list of people who have been bringing us meals on Mondays and Wednesdays. Jan McGinn has been keeping a list and forwarding people my diet limitations. Thank you to Jan and everyone who has been so kind and generous...It has been so helpful to us during all this chaos...
Jan can be reached at:


  1. Being in Chicago we can't, unfortunately, bring you meals, so we'll send our love and hope instead.

    We're coming back for xmas and will be in touch. We'd love to have another visit if you're up to it.

    Anne and Paul

  2. Dave!
    I wish you, Monika, Mandis and Lucas a great Christmas. I hope that you are feeling ok and that the radiation is doing its job!
    I guess you are in the middle of snowchaos- according to Swedish news.
    Kram Johanna

  3. Hey Prifti!

    I hope you're feeling alright, keep up the strength! Let me know if you need anything, just a short walk down the road. Have a merry Christmas, tell all I say hi. Goodluck in the snow!

    Your Friend,

  4. My best wishes to you and your family, David. Hopefully 2010 will find you as the conqueror of this awful thing.

    Much love,

