Sunday, February 28, 2010

The mellow before the storm...

It seems odd to me, but I feel quite calm and peaceful as I wait for Wednesday's operation. I've been expecting sleepless nights and stress in my body, but so far I feel good, serene, really. I'm sleeping well... mundane dreams. Today I cleaned my studio and did restorative yoga. On Monday I'll teach and get reiki at school, then after school I have a pre-op meeting at MGH to go over the procedure, medications, medical proxies, living wills, etc...

Tuesday will be a quiet day with Amanda, hopefully a long walk with her and the dog, then acupuncture and a simple meal with Monika and Amanda.

My operation is first thing in the morning on Wednesday (6 am), which suits me just fine as I want to get on with it without all the waiting that often happens at hospitals. The operation should last around 2 or so hours, then I'll be 5 days at MGH before I get home.

During this past 9 months I've come to understand that if I do EVERYTHING I can to overcome this cancer, and it doesn't work, then I can face the last hurdle at least knowing that I did my best. Right now I feel happy, strong and focused. Since I don't feel sick, it's hard to feel like I have a terminal disease. I take the cue from my body, so I'm optimistic about the chances of this operation working. If it doesn't, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

We will try and have Deb make a post on Wednesday night or Thursday to give an update on how it goes, room info etc...


  1. Best wishes and good, super positive thoughts coming your way! - Leslie & Bruce

  2. You're in my thoughts and prayers, Prifti. Best of luck Wednesday!


  3. David,
    Your thoughts and journal of this struggle are humbling and inspiring in so many ways... and our lives are richer and deeper for it. Hopefully this will be another step in your recovery.

    I have such immense respect for you as a fellow mP artisan but mostly as a friend, husband and father. May the procedure be a great success!


  4. We've got toes, fingers, eyes crossed for you. Sending strong optimistic vibes to you -- especially Wednesday morning. You are a marvel, dear Dave. We are so hopeful . . .
    Much love and good luck,
    Tom & Sue

  5. oh, i wish you the best of luck on Wed Dave! You are amazing! Sending stora, strong, hugs to you, and the rest of the family!

  6. Dave,

    We pray for you, Monika, the kids and the surgeons!

    Doug & Paula

  7. Even though I have not written yet, you have been in my thoughts and prayers all along. Thank you for your blog, your humility and courage.
    All the best to you, Monika and the 'kids'.
    Isabelle A.

  8. Dave, you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. On Wednesday, I'll double them. Good luck.
    all my best to you and your family.
    Maura R.

  9. David, We are in awe of your bravery, honesty and insight as you continue to navigate this bumpy road. Enjoy the next few days! Our very best thoughts and "get well soon" wishes go out to you, Monica and the family as you head into surgery.

  10. Mellow is great! I'm flying out to visit Rosie at Earlham tomorrow for her presentation on Wed. We'll send you our healing thoughts and prayers throughout the day.

    Be peace, Cherrie

  11. David you are in my thoughts and prayers, I will be thinking of you on Wednesday and praying for the best outcome. Stay strong and keep fighting.


  12. I'm thinking of you David.

  13. Thinking of you every day my dear Prifti--you sound really connected to the universe, spirit, your mind to your body and all sounds completely positive for a great outcome.
    Sam started radiation today for seven weeks and is in good spirits too which is a great way to approach these things. You have the wisdom and perspective of a sage and you know you have touched soooooo many hearts in a myriad of ways. Onward!!!
    (Please give us updates Deb, thanks)
    Anne K.

  14. My thoughts, my prayers, my heart - to you, Monika and the kids.

  15. Hi Prifti,

    Thinking of you and hope the surgery goes smoothly as does the recovery.

    Emily Poole
