Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good News

The biopsy of my liver was negative, so the door stays open to further treatments!

On December 2nd I begin 28 days of radiation and chemo (pills), 5 days a week.

Friday I will get scanned and be tattooed with several small dots to align the machines to. Medical physicists will then calculate a computer model for numerous paths to the tumor which present the most direct route with the least chance of damaging surrounding organs. Very high tech, computer guided and accurate... I hope it does the job.

Now I have a couple of treatment free weeks to enjoy before it gets rough...


  1. you go prifti! I'm working on that advent calendar we talked about... well I am in my head anyway. Take care.

  2. A truly happy Thanksgiving for you and your family--and for the rest of us as well.

  3. Woo woo! This is great news my dearest Prifti, enjoy the time off, and the tatoos! I'm proud of you!

  4. Yaay! You are incredible...

    We love you, Amy, Jason, Nora, Charlie and Chuy

  5. This is great news David, we are so happy to read this update!! Take care and say hi to Monika, Amanda and Lukas. Kramar Åsa & Patrik

  6. YeeeeHawwwww! You are the chosen one!!!!

  7. You are a wus if you let them tattoo you with only little dots...they should be targets/ cross hairs at least! could be little rat silhouettes, or how about little aperture settings.....tiny little hearts...ants! make them look like ants! you are bigger than just dots..

  8. Hey Prifti,

    That is wonderful news! Hope you enjoy your weeks off :) Always thinking of you here in NY.
    take care,
    Emily Poole

  9. Such fabulous news!! Made us smile all night long...
    Julie & Deb

  10. Wonderful news!!! This makes my day... my month!!!

    I'm with Bob, you should get some serious tats to mark the spots; your way of your body telling the c to watch out here comes the Cavalry!!!

    So happy for you David. Many wonderful things for us to be thankful for this year... have an awesome Thanksgiving.

    prayers and love,
    steve and tina

  11. Soooo happy to hear your good news! Have a great Thanksgiving and we will be thinking of you when you begin the next round in December. I vote for tiny aperture settings. Love, Jody & Jim

  12. Excellent excellent news!!!

    Anne & Paul

  13. Great news! We are sending all our positive thoughts to you.
    Always thinking of you. Just keep following my dream and you will soon be cured.
    Anki & Jon

  14. Super stupendous news, happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Leslie & Bruce

  15. Awesome, so glad to hear! Enjoy your time to recharge. (I'm voting for aperture settings too)

    Amanda B

  16. Dave,
    Good news! And best of luck with the rad treatments. The whole tech process is really fascinating. Tom just completed 8 weeks of 5/day/wk rad treatments, little tattoos and all -- fatigue was a side effect, and you're familiar with that. So keep the mojo going and know we send love and strength -- and happy Thanksgiving wishes to all of you.
    Sue & Tom

  17. FANTABULOUS!! We are sooo happy and will add this to the loong list of things to be thankful for this year! We love you much and will keep sending the warm California vibes your way!

    Maya, Kym and Vincent

  18. YARR!! Great news, Dave! See if the docs can put a inked tat on you, too. Maybe a picture of the smoking red-winged?


  19. That is fantastic news!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Cara O.

  20. Great news! Sending positive vibes from Western Colorado...

  21. Great news!! With hockey season right around the corner I have been thinking about our number one fan a lot. Saying lots of prayers and sending good cheer:) Carroll

  22. Prifti Family--Wonderful news or as my Welsh cousin would say, "I'm over the moon". Have a fantastic family Thanksgiving, Hank and Lauri
