Friday, November 6, 2009


So on Tuesday, I had a biopsy of the spot on my liver, which was needed to rule out cancer before I could start radiation. It was a long day, including the four hours I waited before getting in for the procedure.

Today we were supposed to get the results, but it turns out that the main core sample was send to the wrong lab, and was tested for lymphoma. Only a tiny bit of the sample is left, and they are trying to get a definitive result from it. If it's too small, then I'll need to have another biopsy next Wednesday. The second sample (fine needle sample) was processed properly and showed normal liver cells, so we are hoping that will be the case for the core as well... fingers crossed.
We''l find out Monday if the test worked...

The only bright spot in the biopsy adventure was that the nurse who was getting me prepped for the test, was a painter who shows with the Barbara Krakow Gallery, and she knew my work and we had a lively discussion before I drifted off into the ether... that night she sent me a nice e-mail...

I'll post the results as soon I know something definitive...

Otherwise I've been off chemo for 2 weeks and I feel great...


  1. Hello David,
    I'm glad you're feeling well. Nothing like waiting forever for a procedure that offers hope and dread. But so cool to meet a fellow artist and have a great conversation before etherville. I loved that monument we visited in the park during the first mP in Konkerd.

    Prayers and serene hopeful good thoughts for you David...

  2. Your nurse was a painter! I love it!

