Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nine lives...

One day David is doing great! The next day he crashes and is almost sent to the ICU. Yesterday was a day of worry and calamity, as David started passing massive amounts of blood. He got bag after bag of blood put into his system through his IVs, yet his blood values continued to indicate bleeding. He had an ultrasound and an endoscopy. The ultra-sound showed that the stents were working properly. The endoscopy was meant to establish where the bleeding came from, and since he is on blood thinners, and since he was told months ago that the ulcer would never heal, it was assumed that he now had a bleeding ulcer. Surprise, surprise, the ulcer was completely gone! That was good news. Bad news was that now they had no idea where he was bleeding from. As I left the hospital at 8.30 pm it was with a worried mind and heavy heart.
Fast forward to today, when he is looking great and the doctors are less worried about him. It appears the bleeding may be slowing or stopping, and he can now eat proper food, walk around, see his friends, and best of all; the blood values are getting better and better! So now he is not getting any more blood, and is being carefully watched and measured until all the answers are found. Very scary for us.


  1. I continue to pray for Dave...May God Heal Him.


  2. Dave, Monika --
    Thinking of you guys, always. Sending our love.
    Mike & Rich

  3. We are holding Dave in our thoughts and prayers, surrounding him with love and light. Sending both of you our love.

    Bill and Sherry

  4. I pray that you heal and feel better soon! Angels, help lift this incredible guy to his feet!
    Kathy Sullivan
