Monday, May 30, 2011

Turning a corner...

Today David looked and felt well. His blood crits were holding steady, and the doctors think his inner bleeding has stopped. For some periods during the day he can now get unhooked from his IV lines, and has taken a few walks outside in the beautiful spring weather. He says it revives him, and that he can feel the healing influence of the sun on his body. This evening he looked very stylish in his hospital gown, as he and I went for a stroll at the edge of Beacon Hill. We paused in front of the Liberty hotel, admiring the soft light of late afternoon, (ignoring the looks from the posh crowd in the open air hotel bar).
While David now seems to be doing much better, it is important to note that his health issues are complex and many. There is no magic fix to his present situation, and whether or not he will flourish will depend on many factors. While we are relieved that things are looking good right now, we are in no way in the clear. But we welcome every success along this arduous walk towards healing.

Peace and love,


  1. If I can remember back to the old Mass Art days, David has the legs to sport a hospital gown in public. If you got it flaunt it....

    Great to hear the good news.


  2. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you can enjoy today's beautiful, healing sunshine! God bless.

  3. Sending peace, love and healing to all of you. And lots of sunshine. xx

  4. Vad stark du är Monika! Jag tänker på er mycket och hoppas att det får fortsätta åt rätt håll! Massor av kramar till dig och er!

  5. Glad to hear of the positive signs. Will keep you in my thoughts. The strength you both show is inspiring.

  6. Good to hear as always you are taking the time to smell the roses and bask in that healing light. Small steps, and loving each one in the journey of life is what it's about.
    Allll my love to you always, Korndingo

  7. The visual of Dave and Monika walking along arm in arm with the tails of Dave's hospital gown flapping in the breeze at about the same speed as the wagging tongues of the bar patrons brings a smile to my face. Only Dave could pull this off with such aplomb! Blessings to you both.
    Hank and Lauri

  8. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
    Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu

  9. dear friends, noble beings that you are. andrews garden is very peaceful, perfect. thanks for everything. esteban

  10. Sending healing thoughts and prayers always... sunlight is a powerful thing indeed, as is the lovelight of those around you.

    David in a gown taking a stroll, that's a sight I wish I could have seen.


  11. You are amazing in so many ways David. Please be well.

  12. Sending as much support as we can on that arduous walk. Much love to you both.

  13. Love & prayers here too.
