Thursday, May 26, 2011

Still in the hospital....

David had a scary setback yesterday, when the doctors discovered some bleeding around his liver. This, most likely, is fallout from his Monday procedure. The trouble is that because he is on blood thinners, any bleed could be life theatening, and if they take him off the thinners, hecould form clots in the stent. They put him on rest, gave him 3 units of blood, then watched and treated him all day yesterday, and today things seem stable again. It means, however, that he will remain in the hospital for a while longer, perhaps through the weekend. We are both weary and bone-tired, but cautiously optimistic that he is now on the mend. If friends or relatives plan to visit him around lunch or dinner times, the word is that he is heartily tired of hospital food, and wouldn't mind an occasional tasty meal in its stead. And as always, we welcome your kind thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Peace and love,


  1. Oh Monika, You all have been through the Book of Job almost literally! Safe passage and love to you and Dave.
    Tom & Sue

  2. Monika,

    I would love to visit Dave and bring him a good meal....can you call me?

