The surgery had cut deep into my abdomen; and my skilled team of doctors did the job in just over 2 hours. Amazing!
The healing takes a LOT longer.
My surgeon, Dr Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo gave me a great report and a detailed account of the procedure... the highlight being that it was the best possible outcome: they found the tumor much smaller than they expected (a 2cm shriveled prune like growth) and in an excellent position to be radiated through a small cone. Everything else went well, and now only time will tell...
I'll discuss my thoughts on that in the next post...
By Tuesday, my pain management involved eating 8mg of dilaudid every 3 or 4 hours...leaving me pain free as long as my midriff didn't move in any direction...any move would result in jabs of pain that were uncomfortable but manageable...more drugs would numb all pain, but the narcotic effect would be unworkable...
As it was, by Monday night I was having pretty wild hallucinations... they persisted until today when I was able to reduce my dose by about a third...
After I got home and took my next round of medication, I rested while Monika made some food. Among the many strange things that came my way... I saw Deb's dog Buddy laying on the floor near me (he died March 2), but instead of his flowing golden fur, it was replaced with the iridescent red and brown feather plumage of our rooster... that was some look!
When I closed my eyes, I saw an awkward, young amateur Jewish comedian who wanted to put on an act for me. With his fro and unbuttoned print shirt and chains, he implored me to watch but I didn't want to, so I opened my eyes to get rid of the vision...when I closed them to check, he was still there so I opened my eyes again, but this time just he disappeared, the background around him stayed in my sight with just a cutout of his shape missing... eventually I was able to avoid the show.
Trust me it ain't easy being sick... you should have seen that shirt!
I'm so happy to be home...