Friday, March 5, 2010

Things are breaking our way...

We just got a call from Blue Cross stating that they have reversed their decision and will now pay for the procedure!

It is as if we are finally able to let out a breath that we've been holding for three days... we are so relieved...

My Doctors had appealed again on March 3rd and their request was rejected. Monika then spent 14 hours on Wednesday compiling data, talking to doctors, insurance representatives, and then writing an impressive appeal. It seems to have done the trick!

Yesterday, we also re-scheduled the operation for March 26, so now I have a date to re-focus on, without the stress of how we would fund the $100,000 operation.

So many friends near and far have come forward with offers of time and treasure to get us through this; we are truly humbled by all of your love and support.



  1. Thank God, the prayers have been answered

  2. HOOOOORAY! We may not have universal health care but we have the universe of love for you Dave!!! I am sooo happy and so relieved to here this--gosh I can't stop crying one way or another...Still, if there is any way we can contribute anything, you know we think the world of you and Monika and are here always sending deep love and healing thoughts to you xxxooo to VICTORY!
    korndingo andypandy

  3. Dear David & Monika,
    I don't comment here, but I hope you know I am always wondering how to help. There is a line.
    I pray for you and your family before I sleep, during my run (I am getting old too, so the mileage is reduced), and when I remember to breathe. You are always with me, so please remember how to ask.
    love, m

  4. Fanstastic news. I'm SO glad. Jodi

  5. Hi David, I just read your blog via your friend Annie Kaye who posted it on Facebook, and just wanted to tell you I was both moved and impressed by your keeping a log of your experience here. I read somewhere that next week is "Insure the Uninsured Week" (or some name like that), but maybe you should get your story out there as "Insurance for the Insured That Actually Works." Anyway, I'll keep following you. --Katherine

  6. Simply wonderful. Been worried and wondering....YAY!

    And there was much rejoicing!

  7. It's been a while since we've checked in. I didn't realize insurance had denied you coverage. I'm shocked that they did and relieved they reversed it.

    We're with you, in all respects, including $$ if needed.

    Anne & Paul

  8. YES! There is a sane person over there after-all! If I ever get in trouble, Monika I'm calling you!

  9. That's huge, fantastic news! With so much going on thank you for remembering to keep us all updated. xxxooo, Anne

  10. Just got the awesome news via the Monsta! Good on you Prifti. Your Monika must be a force to be reckoned with. A fortunate man to be sure. All signs are good and I'll ramp-up the energy your way on the 26th. I look forward to finally meeting you when this is all over.

  11. What a relief to hear such wonderful news!!!


  12. dave,

    great news.....i knew they'd come to their senses about this. i'll bet the person who originally reject the claim went to business school or something like that.

    good luck!!!

    alan and jan

  13. What a relief, David. I will be thinking of you and Monika on the 26th. Best wishes, and speedy recovery from the surgery.

  14. Melitte here, thank God! I cannot imagine your relief but I know that my own is massive, MASSIVE. Monika's letter was unbelievable. Blue Cross Blue Shield needs to take a serious look at itself and now... oddly I'm looking forward to March 27th.

  15. Oh such relief. Looks like Monica needs her own super hero costume- what a dynamic duo you are!!
    I hope you can now both refocus on taking care of you(s). Continued waves of prayers and love coming at ya. Always, Kym, Vincent and Maya

  16. Thank you are the always

  17. monika, you have such a weight on your shoulders, you are the most amazing person, really amazing. i send my love to you all and deb i am so in sorrow and love about your dear dog and companion. life seems to be throwing a whole lot of crap all at once. that expression " if it doesn't kiil you it will make you stronger" well i say enough already.... love you, robin

  18. Monika, you're the bomb. I'm so relieved for all of you. We will be following the blog and still praying and hoping for your recovery.

    Dear Deb,

    Although I don't know you very well, I want to tell you how sorry I am about Buddy. Dogs are awesome and love unconditionally!! Heaven is waiting with open arms for your baby. Marina

  19. Oh My God and Goodness, we are overjoyed.
    Really so very happy for you.
    This sunny beautiful morning has been ordered for you.
    all best,
    Christopher and Tom

  20. Dave and Monika --

    Just caught up on the last week of posts. You've put such effort and work and grit into these hurdles - emotional, physical, bureaucratic. I'm marking the 26th on my calendar and will put my thoughts towards helping clear that one last hurdle. I'm in a swim race that weekend - I'll be racing for you!

    Much love,

    Deb -

    I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy. He was such a gentle dog soul! I remember him fondly, his smiling face and slowly wagging tail...a supremely happy dog.


  21. Positive thoughts prevail :))) Keep banking on all of your positive energy.

    Susan E.

  22. That's terrific news!! Well-done by Monica and the doc's. Go team!

  23. Great job Monika! Terrific news!
    All the best,
    Anna and Lars

  24. Great, great news!

  25. Dearest Dave and Monika - Like M we don't usually comment here, but you are always in our thoughts and prayers - and if there is ANYTHING that we can do, please don't hesitate to call on us! Fantastic news about March 26! Monika, you are a tremendous advocate - the power of love and wisdom! Sending you both much love and so happy that you are together. Iceman & Donna Rae

  26. I am so relieved.This is great! We will not be denied!! Go Monika!!!!
