Monday, March 29, 2010

Zapped - then zipped...

This is what David's new bling looks like! As Dave proudly showed it off to his sister's family yesterday, the sight of it made his niece faint. She was promptly brought down to the emergency room, where it was determined she was fine.
Yesterday morning Dave's epidural also started to act up, so he had another struggle with Pain, his old nemesis. After that it was pretty smooth all day, and he is getting closer to his old self by the hour. His corner of the hospital room is starting to look like a flower shop! Sweet smells and beautiful colors that remind us of spring!
This morning when I spoke with him he was starting to eat solid food. Dry toast never tasted so good.... He is also starting to peruse seed catalogues, with plans for the garden, and he now wants me to bring him his laptop so that he can resume his reading of blogs and news. This is a great sign, since he felt too weak to do any of that before. The docs are beginning to wean him off intravenous painkillers. Hopefully this will go smoothly.
There are too many of you to thank individually, for the unflagging kindness, love and generosity extended to us by our network of family, friends and kind strangers. You have supported us through these most difficult months of our lives, and many were the times when the solace and strength from all of you was the only thing that kept us from falling apart. You are all in my thoughts, and my heart is full of gratitude.

Peace and love,


  1. so happy he is well enough to ask for his laptop and wow what bling!!!! hope the pain will cease to be an issue, enough is enough. it is an honor to know, love and support you both and i am thrilled by his status, sans the pain. love robin

  2. Are you sure Dave didn't have modified
    C section? Glad to hear about the quick improvement Hospital food is always so good!

    Love Doug & Paula

  3. Heyyyy Monika Blogger, Good to see you here and I take it as a good sign that you are here and writing to us from a far. Girl, when I come up there can I take us out for a massage, mani/pedi or any kind of girlfriend, relaxation fun you'd like ?

    Love the zipper and it looks good, tight and healed, but when does it come out?? Also, can you send me your home address? I'd like to send something to you guys when home.

    Big kisses and hugs from Florida,

  4. Looks like six-pack abs to me! Avanti!

    A gentle hug,


  5. My goodness! Your bling was apparently too much for Google too -which also seems to have fainted. (at the least the image that is) IT assures me it will revive in 30 seconds..(.its now been 2 minutes). That is some powerful bling, Dave! I am thrilled you are feeling better and the pain has subsided. And you Monika, I hope you are hanging in there. Is it time for wine yet?
    love, Kathleen

  6. Hi Dave Monica and Deb,

    I am so relieved and thrilled that everything went well!! Couldn't see the Bling on my computer-it must be too overwhelming for cyberspace! Would love to see you when you get comfy back home in front of the fire. Let's play some scrabble. I'm in Pa. eating matzah and being grateful I didn't end up a slave in Egypt. Go down Moses and Let the people Go!!
    Hope you will be Free at Last from the pain...


  7. Dave, so glad you're ready for seed catalogs..tell me what you find and I might be able to get them better,faster,cheaper and generally sexier than you can..hahaha..really giddy to see you so nicely zipped up and feeling better..let me know when you're ready for yard help or visits or non alcoholic organic wine or all the above..xoJess

  8. Hey, my school computer wouldn't open it either, too much for it to handle I guess. Hope you get the pain under control. Miss you. Deb

  9. Really great news. I just recently got a new computer and I was transferring files. I came across a photo of you and M at PBD's 20 year anniversary....It was so random....a good random. :)

    Big hug,


  10. Monika,

    Thank goodness for David's successful surgery. I'm continuing to send positive thoughts to both of you!


  11. The kids are waiting to get back on the trampoline with you this spring- heal up fast, they said. Start with the seeds but get ready- you have another 40 years to start planning for!

    xoxoxThe Moltens

  12. Why that zipper thing is rather fetching... Glad to hear David is feeling better and more like himself. So happy as well for a successful outcome.

    Lots of love to all,
    steve and tina

  13. Love that zipper! Love you too Monika!

    Anne & Paul
