Saturday, March 27, 2010

Doing well, but tired and aching....

Dave spent the morning battling severe pains, since his epidural had been placed about three inches too low. And once the spiral of pain had started, it took quite an arsenal of medications to get it under control. By noon, however, he was beginning to feel fine, he managed to sit up in a straight-backed chair, and even walk a lapse around the ward. While he is progressing nicely, there are at times severe relapses of pain, and since he sleeps poorly he is prone to dozing off without warning. Due to these factors he feels it would be best to hold off on visiting him at the hospital, and instead wait until he is at home. That said, he is already turning into his old self, making jokes with the nurses, and befriending his fellow patient.


  1. David,

    Regarding the 'shedding of the old self' You wrote of a few posts ago:

    Shedding my skin
    skinning my shreds
    leaving behind
    every failure
    every success
    every anger
    ever expressed
    or never expressed.
    What’s left behind
    stays behind,
    it’s ancient
    poisonous sting
    all but forgotten.

    -Leza Lowitz


  2. Dave,

    I'm so happy to hear all your good news, except for the pain of course! Your experience and reflections have taught us much about the power of staying present and positive, about the hard won blessing of shedding and transmutation that comes for many of us in midlife, and of the potent medicine that a loving community can bestow on one of its own. Rest, heal, and renew!
    much love to you all...Cherrie

  3. yeow,
    good work dave, be patient.
    black esteban

  4. sorry to hear about all the pain you are going through; i'm sure it is killing monika to see you suffer so as well but keep your eye on the big picture; home at last recovering. we love you, robin and paul

  5. Ugh - so sorry about the pain. That just sucks. Period. Keep going Priftiman. We're with you and look forward to seeing you when you get home. Lots of love!

  6. Keep in mind while you are laying around in there, basking in room service, fluffed pillows and that great food I hear about, us less fortunate folks out here are dodging blinding sun rays and frigid winter winds. Hurry home, Dave. I am looking forward to seeing you. love, Kathleen

  7. Dave --

    Sorry to hear about the pain you're enduring now but so glad to hear about the positive reports from the doctor via Deb's posts!! I'm sending all my love, thoughts, prayers, ramblings, murmurings, and hugs and kisses your way. To healing!!


  8. Dave,
    Every step of the way you continue to impress and amaze me. I continue to pray for your peace, healing and faith that everything will be OK. I send the same wish to Monkia and kids as well.
    Lots of love,
    Denise (and Carol too)

  9. Looking forward to the next milestone when you will be home on the couch holding court with all the people that love and care about you. Hank and Lauri

  10. Dave: You are a fighter and I know that is what it takes. Keep up the good mental and physical work.
    Love, Jody

  11. Sending light from the Sunshine State. Sam and I are rooting for you and if you ever have extra drugs, well, hey!

  12. Hallelujah! Sending you love from Alaska - coming for a visit in June and will hope to see you in person sometime then. Blessings to you.
    Love, Donna Rae and Iceman

  13. ewwwww... take those prescription drugs w/ a vengence! Kym and I spoke and we're just going to make this summer thing work out so get better soon. Thinking of you.

  14. Prifti! So great to hear you are doing better!! Can't wait to see you!!
    Thinking of you,
    Jes Stout

  15. Prifti, I'm so happy to hear the procedure went well!!! I've been sending good thoughts your way. Have a great, restful recovery. We all miss and can't wait to see you. Jack Winter

  16. We are so happy to know that everything is going smoothly. WE'RE WITH YOU!!!

    Anne and Paul
